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Feeling Sad and Emotional on the Failure Can Make the Next Success Possible

Feeling Sad and Emotional on the Failure Can Make the Next Success Possible

Feeling sad and emotional on the failure can make the next success possible. Navel Nelson, a professor of marketing in University of Kansas, has said that if there is a failure in any work, it is very beneficial to traumble and emotionally instead of knowing it. In this way people show good performance on the same similar situation and may be successful.

After this research Navel Nelson, assistant professor of the University of Kansas University School of Business, says, focusing on emotions rather than thoughts after the failure makes people feel good and their performance improves. "In this study, Intelligent ideas and emotions have been investigated on senses.

Experts distributed three students of the undergraduate into three groups. He was told to find a sensor online online at least the price and a cash prize will be given to such a person. Now the computer played a game and after finding the price, they told them that the item they bought is worth the item in less than three dollars. No one could get a prize of $ 50.

Various people took different effects on this failure. Some emotionally came to pass, and some people realized its consciousness and began to take an overview of failure. Those who were emotional, the next time they were more determined and they did well in the same test. However, only those who have intellectual rationality also showed a little better performance.

It is determined that feeling of emotional failure and feeling emotional can improve our ability for the next time.

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