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Intimate Problems After Childbirth May End One Night In Hospital

Intimate Problems After Childbirth May End One Night In Hospital

Intimate problems after childbirth may end one night in hospital. After the birth of a child is for many women forced to deal with birth complications quality of your intimate life. Although the sculptures intimate areas are not new, many Czech women are still looking for these interventions with suspicion. Unaware that day hospitalization may simply terminate their long-term problems.

Nearly half of adult women report that they can not achieve sexual satisfaction. Often associated with it problems with intimate parts of postpartum or in connection with the transition. "A number of Czech women do not address their situation too. They do not know that these problems can be solved relatively undemanding, although an operational manner, "explains the situation head physician of the Prague.

In the case of postpartum women experience less intimate experiences in life or are dissatisfied as they look for intimate places, they should concentrate on themselves even during motherhood and look professional. Many problems can be resolved with simple interventions, some of which pays for health reasons, and insurers. Problems after birth may solve the example procedure called rejuvenation or rejuvenation of the intimate parts. During the operation narrows the vaginal entrance, or the entire vagina and strengthens the dam when surgically repaired tissue to form before birth.

"The procedure can also help older women, in which due to loss of elasticity of the connective tissue, hormonal changes and hereditary dispositions leads to" release "the descent of the vagina," says senior consultant Pícha. Besides the unsatisfactory sexual life, this effect might even lead to frequent inflammation of the vagina and urethra and discomfort when sitting or walking.

Ten days of convalescence and exercises for strengthening the pelvic muscles

For better results in the context of recovery is recommended to perform exercises for strengthening the pelvic muscles, ideally under the supervision of an experienced physiotherapist. Most of the plastic surgery gynecology doctors not performed on an outpatient basis due to strong blood flow to the operational area. Although women often fear the pain of plastic surgery gynecology, patients usually indicate only uncomfortable burning sensation around the first two days after surgery.

"After the rejuvenation of the genitalia, the patient is usually hospitalized overnight, then it waits until ten days of convalescence. Return to suggest sexual activity after about six weeks.

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