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5 Ideas That Will Revolutionize Health

5 Ideas That Will Revolutionize Health

The advances in the world of medicine and biomedical are those that allow to develop cures and treatments to deal with some of the affections that most afflict the world population. Meet 5 ideas that will revolutionize health.

To truly heal the future, it is necessary to do more than treat the sick: health must be a priority and for this it is necessary to design better communities, attend to the health of each person, raise awareness about how important it is to be healthy. Meet 5 ideas that will revolutionize health in the world:

 A chip that administers the daily dose of medication

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are currently working on the development of microchips programmed to administer drugs at specific times and in precise doses. In theory, your doctor may adjust the dosage or stop the administration completely by remote control.

Researchers Robert Langer and Michael Cima started working on this idea in the 1990s, and both are part of the board of MicroCHIPS, the company that is currently working on turning the idea into reality. The devices have improved considerably, they are the size of a Scrabble chip. They are scheduled to be launched in 2017.

Teach the immune system to fight cancer

It all began when young Nick Wilkins exhausted the possibilities of fighting his leukemia. His doctors thought a new way of fighting, educating the immune system to fight cancer cells in the same way that it cope with a cold. This treatment made Nick's disease, like 18 other patients, go into remission.
Currently the University of Pennsylvania and other major medical centers try to test the effectiveness of treatment in more patients, but the results so far are optimistic.

Public spaces that improve the state of health

Jeff Risom, partner of Gehl Architects, says they are working on creating spaces that naturally improve people's health. To improve health and create healthy lifestyles it is necessary to alter the environment, create spaces that encourage personal care and revert the culture of immediacy and speed of access to what is wanted, explains Risom, encouraging exercise and habits healthy.

3D printing of organs and bones

The University of Michigan works on the development of human organs and bones from biological material. The process is known as bio-impression and can create parts of the body from a person's cells.
Researchers at Cornell University are also performing this technique from cells in a person's ear. According to Dr. Anthony Atala of the Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine, in 15 or 20 years the creation of organs, epidermis or blood vessels will be a daily activity.

Therapies to repair the genetic code

There are genetic alterations that lead to important disorders such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia that have no cure and it is only possible to control the symptoms. However, thanks to experimental gene therapies scientists estimate that it will be possible to correct genetic material to prevent these conditions, cell by cell.

These treatments are used today to treat blindness and Parkinson's disease (Voyager Therapeutics) and consist of inserting corrected DNA to a deactivated virus so that it spreads throughout the body, and the results are promising.

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