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Why Do We Seem Erotic Dreams?

Why do we seem erotic dreams?

Why do we seem erotic dreams?

According to French statistical office INSEE admits 80 percent of men and 70 percent women, that they seem erotic dreams. They have some meaning, and if so, how do you interpret it? Now these questions answered in the French weekly L'Express psychoanalysts Moir Tristan and Sophie.

"The feeling of pleasure they experience in some dreams, sometimes so strong that awakening is not pleasant," confides a little embarrassed Sandrine thirty eight years old, happily married, but dreams apparently unfaithful. How can we explain that our dreams are sometimes introduced into the realm of erotica?

"Dreaming is a necessary function that connects us internally and allows regeneration of the nervous system. They own life and express our base desires. Thanks to the dreams we can be in harmony with oneself and with the world, "says Moir. "Our dreams are not our enemy, there is no need for them to be ashamed of," nods.

Erotic dreams, however, does not always mean what we seemingly trying to say. Conversely, some dreams without a sexual dimension in demonstrating the erotic message. A classic example is the dreams in which we fly.

"It may be associated with fantasy, but also with the desire to make love with someone. Phallic objects symbolically remind the men, the female cat again. Dreams come disguised, seldom can be taken literally, "says.

The first example of a conventional erotic dream is amorous embrace in which no sexual act itself, but is accompanied by a strong sense of desire. Usually when we wake up somewhat surprised that this embrace was the "wrong" person, that is not an official partner. Does this mean that you secretly wish to be unfaithful?

Not necessarily, says Moir. In this dream, we see the process rather focus on himself. "The second in our dream is our counterpart. In psychoanalysis often thought that dreams reveal the essence of ourselves, and therefore all persons in the dream are one of the faces of us, "confirms.

Another case is a dream that ends in orgasm. According to Moira, the dream of compensation, which shows a sexuality that is not quite on the level. In other words, our subconscious helps us feel in a dream it, we can not live in reality. "However, it may be an expression of desire that may not be of a sexual nature. The desire to change jobs, to live differently, "adds.

Love play celebrity show a certain emancipation dreaming. This is not necessarily a desire to "cuckold" - and if possible just with Brad Pitt. "The real significance of such dreams can be understood only on a case by case basis," stresses.

If you dream of a former partner's by Moira sign of some confusion. We confuse a person from our past with her current partner. It may also be a sign that with the new bit too similar to the former ...

Worst erotic dream is that when we have a sexual relationship with one of their parents. These nightmares are never as bad meaning, how they look, assures. In these "forbidden" erotic dreams rarely goes by that we wanted such a relationship. Rather they support the transgression, a violation of rules that are appointed in the context of interpersonal relationship, about what we might want to do, but we are afraid of it.

Homosexuality in a dream: here the interpretation depends on what we had. Sophie sees in these dreams, the desire to concentrate on yourself, come to terms with each other, just to love.

If it seems to us that our partner is cheating, his infidelity. According to Tristan Moira It may mean that we deceive ourselves that we have a lack of confidence.

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