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How to Increase Weight : Making a healthy Calorie Diet : Characteristics of a healthy Calorie Diet

How to Increase Weight : Making a healthy Calorie Diet : Characteristics of a healthy Calorie Diet

Some people are thin by nature, without there being any disease. For those who want to gain weight or gain weight healthily and naturally we give guidelines to achieve this.

Making a healthy Calorie Diet

The constitutional thinness is very difficult to treat. Affected people have serious difficulty gaining weight, and if they do, they find it difficult to maintain body weight gained. However, a balanced high-calorie diet, adequate physical activity and relaxation techniques and stress management can help maintain a near recognized as healthy for your height, sex and age weight.

Characteristics of a healthy Calorie Diet

A high calorie diet should not proceed without monitoring and supervision of a nutritionist. It's easy to fall into the trap of increasing the amount of foods and choose those more caloric, as rich in fats and sugars, tilting the person to nutritional imbalances as excess saturated fats, sugars and sodium. The keys to the high-calorie diet are healthy are:

The diet is balanced in nutrients, so that the requirements of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) are covered, but also micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

It is better to spread the intake over the day in 5-6 divided doses, to do 2-3 heavy meals. In the latter case, it is easy to fill up before and not finished everything on the plate. It has been seen that in many cases, people with constitutional thinness sated before, so stop eating too much before.
Do not forget physical activity: contrary to what you might think, it is recommended physical activity type soft body building, avoiding aerobic exercises that activate the metabolism and burns fat.
Managing stress: Stress can be a factor in weight loss in many people. If so, you should learn techniques and relaxation exercises, especially after eating to avoid increasing energy expenditure and calorie burning.

The dishes have to be of little volume, but concentrated energy: this means that you have to make healthy food choices, but high in calories as olive oil or sunflower oil, margarine, mayonnaise, nuts, avocados , dairy, legumes, oily fish, meats ... with them, should not miss whole grains, fruit and vegetables.

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