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Domestic Techniques for Mental illnesses

Domestic Techniques for Mental illnesses

It is important to cope with mental illness and get rid of them that we are completely aware of our mental condition and we acknowledge that our mental health has become a major problem.

Normally the short-term mental disorder condition can be removed shortly. By using administrative techniques for this purpose, we can succeed in getting rid of a short period of time. But to get rid of long-term disorders, we need to change our lives, behavior, and environment. It does not matter if we are still working to improve our condition, then it is necessary to consult with psychologists.

Remember that there are two types of psychiatrists to save mental illness. One who cures psychotherapy treats mental health and creates a change in the patient's thinking and style of influence and style, is called a cyclologist. As a result of the intensity of other diseases, Useful and easy-to-use medicines, bypassing the patient, are saved from the disease.

Such psychologists are called cycasts. Be aware that if mental illness is due to mental disorders and cause physical disorders, get rid of them first. Please refer to a specialist physician and give diet and advice. Just as different people may have different causes of mental illness, in the same way they may have different ways to get rid of them.

In this context, if the affected person makes a diary and writing his mental feelings for a variety of times, and also note how well he felt his condition was improving due to his heat, depression, depression and The reason for aggravity will come to understand. When it is known, then it is also easy to get rid of disease. If he wants, graduation can create accuracy in his condition.

Besides, some people get rid of mental stress and nervous stress. Some people start getting home from office and feel comfortable with their wife's children. Some people get better than exercise and physical hard work. Some people are just feeling better by converting thought. Reading a book, listening to music or by engaging in your favorite likeness can also change the mental condition.

The human being is the combination of three components. Soul, soul and body. The center of the soul is heartbroken. The brain is considered as a brain, while the human body is based on the liver. The strength is found in the body. The intellect and the muscles of the body are illuminated in the body. The body is on the surface of the body.

The physical body is called a capacity that is the source of the body of the whole human body. The health or disease of the body and the disease depends on the physical nature of the body. It is on the surface of the body that is known as heat-powered or fueled food. Receives Human body nutritional components include calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus chlorine audien, sodium, sulfur, frozen vitamin, spilled, vitamin, oxygen, and sugars.

All the souls and souls are dependent on the ingredients. It is on the ingredient that improves food or intestinal energy, determines the ability of animals, strengths and strengths. The Khayq Khayat envoys the Angels with a strong attitude. What, the power of the animals, provided them the means of increasing the universities of the universe. But the person should give both men and women so that they can make their own place for their own choices.

When man uses force rationality, he gets the position of Ashraf and is called Masjud Adak, but when he is overcome with power, the animals seem to be lesser than the animals. We can say that our parents' ability Our diet is the main and important role in climbing.

God is the first diet for the strength and energy of the soul. As Muslims, our faith should be "aware", the satisfaction of hearts is in the remembrance of Allaah. " Always remind God of God. We can be spiritually strong. We have to get the food from our diet.

Now, if we use objects that make emotional emotions, the strength of the body inside us will empower us to be honest, and if we choose the ingredients that promote rational emotions, By becoming angels at high places, they will become proud to be intelligent.

All foods that make our mind strong, use them properly. Usually, the law is the only means we can do by forceing ourselves with strength, and strengthening the body. The structure of the body is the main role of physical strength. While the source of physical strength is the only nutrients mentioned above.

The wisdom teaches us more and more feelings like courage, courage, strength, courage, self-determination, love, love, love and sacrifice. Since anger, revenge, hatred, anger, anger, anger, anger There is an affliction like anger, selfishness, selfishness, and temptation. We can say that our only diet is to enjoy happiness and to avoid mental problems.

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