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Cancer Identifier In Just 10 Seconds

Cancer Identifier In Just 10 Seconds

The pen-visible device can detect 96% accuracy of any type of cancer in just 10 seconds. (Photo: University of Texas, Austin)

This device looks like a pen, but with its help cancer can be identified only in 10 seconds. It has been developed by experts of University of Texas Austin.
The device is named The MasSpec Pen, whereas the results of medical tests have been published in the latest issue of "Science Transitional Medicine" research.
These details indicate that this device can diagnose cancer with 96% accuracy, and due to its sudden acceleration, it can also be done in a short period of time to take out the process of excluding cancerous tumor (cancer tumor). It is clear that this type of operation takes several hours, but there is still some part of the headache juice remaining in the patient's body, resulting in cancer intensifying again.

The procedure for doing this is that at the point of view of cancer, the device's tip is hazarded there and it eliminates a very sharp drop. Chemical compounds present in living cells are rapidly inserted into this dull drop and then the drop is immediately pulled into a pen, where the drop is rapidly analyzed by the chemical.
This pen is already associated with a special tool "Mass Spectometer" (low-efficiency), which is capable of analyzing thousands of chemical compounds in a second.

This mosquito spectator feels a glimpse of the chemical compounds present in this drop from the nut, and if there is a mixture that is considered a symbol of cancer presence in the body, the automatic system of this device is immediately Indicates All the work is done in just ten seconds.
Experts who prepare it, the original problem was not to produce a penis device, but it was presented to produce the most difficult to produce a chemist (mass spectrometer) not only in quantity but also chemical compounds. A large number of analyzes can be done very quickly. It was the obstacle that took them many years to cross.

This system is fully computerized, with its algorithms too high speed. 96% accuracy of "The Mass Speaker Pan" is also a phenomena of the algorithm which can accurately identify the chemical compounds in the analyzes of the mass spectrometer, as well as those of these substances which can also accurately indicate Cancer Symptoms

Not only can it be used in diagnosis of cancer at the earliest stage, but also after receiving the assurance after the operation of the surgical extraction, it can be used to prevent the remains of juice remaining inside the body.

During the trials, this diagnostic pen was tested on 253 samples taken from different patients, out of which the average size of each piece was 1.5 mm wide. Experts aim that this pen will be able to further diagnose cancer with 0.6 mm wide tissue (Tissue).

Although this pen itself is very small and less expensive, it depends on the mass spectrometer, which is especially expensive and expensive at the moment. That is, if it becomes available in its present state, it will be very expensive; and that is why experts are trying to reduce both the mass and cost of the mass spectrometer in the next phase of their research.

It will be a pre-time to say that when they get this destination, it can be expected to succeed in four to five years.

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