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Treatment of brain cancer from Zika Virus

Treatment of brain cancer from Zika Virus

A team of American specialists has done successful experiments to eliminate brain cancer using Zika Virus, but these experiments are still done only on cells and animals placed in the mattress dish, whereas the human trial phase is far away.

Zika Virus is very dangerous and known to attack children during pregnancy (during pregnancy), due to which their brain is not able to cure correctly and resulting in their birth, their minds suffer from various problems.

A joint team of Sciences of University of California and Scientific University of Washington, School of Medicine, changed the Zika virus and made it harmless, not able to ill. Then this modified Zakaria virus was tested on the brain cells kept in the pait dish, called "glyoblastostoma".

Globulalstomas are stem cells that cause brain cancer cells. But glyablastomas are very stupid, who have a lot of resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and various methods used in treating cancer, and these methods of treatment can not be deteriorated.

But during the experiments, this modified Zakaria virus ended astonished cereal brain cells, whereas healthy mental cells associated with them were absolutely safe. In the next phase, this modified Zica virus was tested on brain-infected mice, and there she successfully eliminated Gulablastoma, while the mental brain cells remained safe in the mice.

These experiences show that genetically modified zicin virus kills the most important cells of brain cancer, and thus throws brain cancer.

The results of this research have been published in the latest issue of "The Journal of Exercise Research", which states that the modified Zica virus has achieved significant success in cancer treatment, but very careful before human experiments While the FDA will have special permission for human experiments.

However, he hopes that this stage will be interrupted soon and human experiences of this unique treatment of cancer will be started next year.

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