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Today dandruff pushes roughly two-thirds of the total population and the specific proportion of those who are not fortunate to watch the irritation on the scalp lives in places where the environment and weather conditions play a crucial role . In fact, the occurrence of dandruff can be caused by a huge number of reasons , many of which are serious diseases and dandruff is just their symptoms surface . But most of the problems of dandruff does not pose any serious implication for human health.

Dandruff can be caused by both a lack of certain types of vitamin , temporary or seasonal disorder of the gastrointestinal tract and many other problems . That is why , most dandruff treatment at home is a reality and it is done quite effectively, subject to certain rules and guidelines. The cause of dandruff - it is almost always a certain fungus , and most of all, get rid of dandruff - it is a way to overcome the action of this type of fungus .

About half the cases dandruff can be caused by insufficient exposure to fresh air , such as in the winter, when our head most time under the caps and other headgear . As a result, the uppermost layer of the skin becomes coarse and begins to lose its elasticity. In that case recommend to moisturize the scalp with special creams and masks .

How to cure dandruff folk remedies ?

Even with the help of national treatment of dandruff can most likely win this "disease" , but it is necessary to perform certain rules and stock up considerable patience. Popular treatment of dandruff is the use of tools such as: Mask of dairy products for the scalp , special salt peeling , are perfect mixture and mask with essential oils , vegetable oils , olive oil. A lot of options , you only need to choose the most effective anti-dandruff agents for your skin. And if there is a problem with the storage of cosmetics at home, then read the article about how to maintain the quality of cosmetics at home?

Today 's most popular folk remedy for dandruff - it is the use of masks , which are made from dairy products. It is very effective against dandruff , because it is composed of many minerals that effectively moisturize the skin and contribute to its rapid recovery.

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