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The Risk of Heart Attack From the New Drug Addiction

The Risk of Heart Attack From the New Drug Addiction

But the risk of developing liquor infections is likely to increase

According to a new research conducted by researchers, using a new therapist to reduce the risk of heart attack and fluid may reduce.

The research has been compiled for ten years for ten years. He was given a drug called 'Kanakunab'. According to research, this discovery will prove to be very beneficial for patients.

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But as well, this research also showed that the use of this medicine has increased the risk of knowingly infected.

Dr. Paul Rogger, professor of Harvard Medical School, said, "It is the first time that we can clearly show that due to lack of heart attack, without having to connect to cholesterol, reduce the heart attack Can be. '

According to research, using this medicine can reduce heart attack by 15%. However, many critics have expressed doubts over it and have raised questions on the effects, implicit effects and costs.
However, the British Heart Foundation has declared this research as a welcome and said that with its help many lives can be saved.

Heart patients are often given medicines for reducing cholesterol and bleeding. In this research, ten thousand patients who had had a heart attack earlier in the past were given this medicine every third month.

Research in four countries continued for four years where patients were monitored. According to its findings the risk of heart attack in patients was clearly reduced.
The results of the research were presented at the European Society of Cardiology Conference in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

The drug-producing companies, in turn, gave money to this research.

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