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Use of bio-glass is an Important Discovery in Combining Bones

Use of bio-glass is an Important Discovery in Combining Bones

There are constantly new experiences in medical science to keep humans healthy, they also have an important biographer implant.

Using natural glass to connect bones. The use of a glass can also be used to combine bones. It may be a bit strange thing to hear, but in many countries, doctors are working to combine broken bones with bioglasses.

The use of this glass is not intended for the purpose. This bio-glass is very special. It is not only more powerful than bones, but it can turn away due to elasticity. It does not cause any infection.
London's leading surgeon Ian Thompson did the world's first glass implant. The first time this experiment was by applying a bio-glass plate in a patient's eye.

The patient had an injury in an accident and was very difficult to see. The doctors tried all the efforts, but every effort has failed

About 15 years ago Ian Thomson put a small piece of biogas in a patient's eye to a new test. Since then patients are not only healthy, but they can also look well with their eyes.

When this experience was successful, Ian Thomson thought, why should not it be punctuated to correct the second broken body of the body. Professor Thomson treated approximately 100 patients with the help of bioplasm implants who were suffering from an accident.

According to Professor Thomson, the bioplasm implant often works better than the patient's bone. The bioplasm implants easily take the body, which cause a good compatibility between bones and muscles, and cells begin to plant new bones.

In 1969, American scientist Larry Hank discovered biography. He started his research in the U.S., but later he moved to London, where doctors currently use the most biographies. It is used to treat dental treatments and make new teeth with bone treatment.

Use of bio-glass is an Important Discovery in Combining Bones1

Use bayyuglas nearly ten years was in powder form. The fracture of the strip was fine. Since 2010, the Sensidian company also started using toothpaste so that it could repair broken teeth.

Bayyuglas invention in the world of medical science is like a revolution. Many scientists say that much can be done with its help, but the height that can be reached is not yet reached. Although many new things are being made with the help of biogas.

Now very flexible types of biogas are also being made which can be used to correct the bone of the feet licked.

These bio-glasses are capable of taking full load of the patient's body and can also be used without patient use. After its use, there is no need to put any type of pin or any other plate on the patient. It is easier to become new cells that help the bone.

There are also biographies of flexible biogas seven that look exactly like rubber. Currently, the use of the surgeon is used to cure knees and fix knees. However, some researchers say this experience is not yet successful. It was used on some aspects, but after a few years their pain emerged again.

But now there are attempts to find a solution to this issue. Julian Janz, a doctor of Imperial College in London, is working on promoting a thorough de technique that can also be used to combine soft bones. Its first experience is done on animals and if this experience is successful, then it is tested in the clinic.
Dr Jones says we could not even think about adding fragile bone, but biogas discovery has made it easy.

In this regard, if all kinds of experiences are successful, it may happen within 10 years that someone will not be able to remain disabled due to bone breakdown.

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