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Revolutionary 'Living Medicine' to End Cancer

Revolutionary 'Living Medicine' to End Cancer

"Food and Drug Authority" (FDA) approved the treatment of a revolutionary way of treatment in America, which can also say 'live medicine'.

In this method, the patient's body uses his own physical defense system and this can easily save 83% from the patient's blood cancer. The patient's system of system kills cancer cells.

The FDA has described this method of treatment in its statement as historical as a new chapter, but its value is too high, which is $ 475,000, which is about Rs 5 crore in Pakistan.

In this procedure, blood cells of every patient will be removed and genetically converted and used to eliminate cancer. This coconut is called CART in which white cells are converted to genetic levels and they are then relocated to patients who are targeting the growing cancer in the body.

According to experts, this is a masterpiece of gen therapy, which makes it a disease for every patient with its body in terms of its disease and quality. Currently it is being used in the treatment of a type of blood cancer lymphoclastic leukemia. The medicine is named as a cameras that will be available soon. When he was diagnosed on patients, his large number of medicines worked.

When the drug was tested on the first patient, he reached near death and now he was five years old and he was cancerous and healthier. On the other hand, 83 percent of 63 patients had a great difference in the first three months of treatment and their cancer decreased.

Experts are optimistic that CART may also be equally effective for other types of blood cancer, but further research is needed because this technology will improve better in the near future.

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