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Sitdown For 20 Minutes and Get Rid of Life-Threatening Diseases

Sitdown For 20 Minutes and Get Rid of Life-Threatening Diseases

Medical experts say that if the habit of continuous seating is also reduced to 20 minutes, it reduces the amount of blood sugar, cholesterol is better and the muscles are strong.

It is an investigation by Arto Pesola, professor of University of Maquila, in Finland, and they say that our research has shown that people can reduce their risk of health by changing their busy lives.

In this research, 133 people and some children working in offices were also included. A device was installed in the waist of all people to note their disability and activity. This device was worn for seven days a week and all the volunteers were studied for the whole year.

After a survey of a year, it was found that if the time you remained seated, it would reduce the amount of blood sugar, improved cholesterol and leg muscle and positive effect on muscle. Does it It is clear that sugar and cholesterol are associated with heart diseases.

Thus people can improve themselves by taking time out of their busy engagement. Although it is a very small survey that includes a small number of people, but its effects can not be ignored. This report, published in the Public Library of Science (PLOS), states that parents should encourage their children to sit for a long time so that they can have a positive impact on their lives.

Earlier, many investigative surveys have proved that the risk of mortality increases before continuous sitting. This involves continuous disability involving the slowdown of physical functions, affecting the body's pressure and blood flow.

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